Currently in Private Beta (Ver: 0.1.3)
Having discovered WebGL and wanting to learn Javascript over my spring break, I was originally going to
make a quick point and click game. However, a friend of mine was showing off a similar
2D tail creator (which was taken down shortly afterwards) and after giving it a try and
being very disappointed at the implementation, I said I could do better. Two weeks later
the first iteration of this project was finished.
The current goal of this project is to help amateur and professional mermaid tail makers to easily represent
designs for themselves or their clients. It also will help clients who are not artistically inclined to
portray their ideas to the professional.
Team Members:
- Daniel Heffley (me) (Lead Developer / 3D and texture artist)
Created Using:
- WebGL
- 3D Studio Max 2013
- THREE.js
- Kinetic.js